Friday, January 27, 2023

Archcrafter (TWC#3) is out in audio!

Please feel free to check it out here:

Description: Theo has discovered an incredible opportunity to advance, but it stands on the other side of a fatal obstacle. Faced with a duel to the death against an overwhelming opponent, he has no choice but to seek allies in a new world. Time is running out, so he'll need to soulcraft like he never has before....


  1. Found you through Street Cultivation, getting through the last book and was a bit sad ya'll moved on from the world. Going to dip toes into all your other worlds after and see how it feels. Thanks so much for unique experiences and mash-ups =)

    1. Glad you've enjoyed my work! I try something a little different every time, but I hope you find something you find fun. ^-^

    2. Finished Street Cultivation. A bit of an anti-climax but I'm glad it had a manga-style epilogue ending. It really was a unique piece of genre mashing. Thanks!

  2. Only just found out about this release now. Good think I checked back here today

    1. Appreciate you checking it out! If there's anywhere else it would be helpful for me to post announcements, let me know.

    2. Not really anywhere I check with regularity. I usually just wishlist stuff on Audible once it gets announced, although I do check your blog occasionally. Are the books not listed because you are unsure if they will have an audio release or because of the narrator's schedule

    3. Our current agreement guarantees audiobooks to at least the seventh book and I intend to continue for the whole series. These are narrated when Travis Baldree can manage to squeeze them into his schedule, which I don't know ahead of time.

    4. I'm glad it's a great series that was totally beyond my expectations.. I will be eagerly awaiting each release! I have so many theories on what is really going on but unfortunately I am very behind in the series since the nature of my job (and a bit of dyslexia) means the only way I can actually get through a series is with audiobooks. Still, I wish you the best and hope my meagre support can help in some way!

    5. I'm glad that you've enjoyed it! I'm grateful for every reader, but if you want help out, reviews and ratings are always much appreciated. ^-^
