Friday, August 18, 2023

The Brightest Shadow in the Beloved SFF Sale

For the past several years, my book The Brightest Shadow has been invited to the Beloved SFF Sale (thanks to John Bierce). This year I wanted to give the event a shout-out in addition to letting everyone know about the sale.

You can find a complete list, including links and blurbs, right here:

All three books in The Brightest Shadow are on sale on Amazon now:

Or at least... they will be. Due to Amazon restrictions, I actually can't put the first book on sale yet, but its sale will begin soon! All three books will be just $0.99 for the sale period, and the first one will stay on sale a while longer to make up for the late start.

This is a great chance if anything catches your eye!

Friday, August 4, 2023

Wakespire (TWC#7) Released!

The seventh book in The Weirkey Chronicles is out! Please take a look here:

Description: With Fithe behind him, the only thing standing between Theo and Authority is the soulcrafting itself. This will be the most important ascension of his life, so he draws on old knowledge and travels to Noven. There, he will find the perfect opportunity to fuel his rise... except it lies within a tower filled with challenges. And the dangers of the Wakespire may pale in comparison to the politics in the city around it...

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Books Galore!

Wakespire is coming soon! If I'd known just how many good books would be releasing this week, however, I might have pushed back the date. Nonetheless, let me amplify some choice books from writer friends, most of them released this week.

You can see a great many of them here, in the monthly list maintained by Rob J Hayes:

Wakespire is in the top banner, and you can see the cover if you haven't already! Still not available for purchase, though, so let me instead highlight a series of other books. All covers are links to Amazon pages:

That's all for now. Please look forward to TWC7!